BACKGROUND: Current study aims to identify the perception, attitude and behavior about Covid and plasma donation in the Covid cases.
METHODOLOGY: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted ---removed for blind review---Adult COVID-19/post-Covid patients were included by consecutive sampling. The critically ill, mechanically ventilated cases were excluded. Special questionnaire was developed including the demographic variables, mode of transmission, personal hygiene, prevention, post covid immunity, re-infection, psychosocial factors, financial reservations and post covid life. Willingness for plasma donation, laboratory diagnostics and blood groups inquired. Data was collected by direct interview by researcher and analyzed by SPSS V.20.
RESULTS: Mean age was 39.8+15 years; 122(54%) females and 104(46%) males. Total 163(73%) participants said Covid has impact on health, economy, social, mental and psychological state. 188(83%) considered Covid a threat to human life. 142(63%) had a close Covid contact and 15(6.6%) had recently travelled. 131(58%) said they could have prevented getting infected. 171(75.7%) considered handwashing and 208(92%) cleanliness and158(77%) considered natural, herbal remedies as preventive. 191(84.5%) wore mask for most/all of the time. 130(57.5%) said they will be immune to Covid post-recovery. 179(79.2%) were aware of re-infection. 169(74.8%) considered smoking as a risk for Covid and137(60.6%) aimed to quit smoking. 204(93%) committed to hand washing and 210(92.9%) to wearing masks post-Covid. 127(56%) were concerned about their food, 78(34.5%) about finances, 103(45.6%) about their family getting infected. 213(94%) expected life to normalize post-Covid. Most frequent blood group was B+ 67(29.6%) followed by A+ 42(18.6%) and O+ 41(18.1%). 128(66.6%) participants showed willingness to donate their plasma after recovery. 24(10.6%) refused the donation. 134(59.3%) agreed that plasma donation won’t reduce their immunity. 186(82.3%) were clinically recovered at the time of interview.
CONCLUSION: Our Covid patients had a positive approach towards plasma donation. They expected normalization of life post Covid and showed commitment toward continuation of preventive habits and smoking cessation. However, there were significant concerns about finances, safety of loved ones and mental health.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lubna Meraj, Muhammad Wajad Munir, Nadia Shams, Hina Andaleeb, Ayesha Basharat, Savida Ilyas Dar