Objective: Our study aimed to compare the outcome of engaged versus unengaged fetal head in primigravida at term. Methods: The study was conducted at the obstetrics & gynaecology unit, FGPC Hospital, Islamabad. The duration of the study was 6 months with a total of 130 women included & divided into two groups. Females were followed till the delivery of the fetus.
Results: A total of 130 women were observed & divided into two equal groups. The average age was 28.71 years± 6.80SD with a range of 18-43 years. Mode of delivery was measured and showed that there is a significant association between mode of delivery and unengaged fetal head in primigravida at term with p-value = 0.000. Relative risk shows that C Section was 2.93 times more in unengaged as compared to patients with engaged fetal heads.
Conclusions: The frequency of a surgical intervention is significantly higher in cases with unengaged fetal heads among primigravida at term.
Keywords: unengaged, engaged, primigravida, term
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Copyright (c) 2023 Sadaf Asma, Sidra Tul Muntaha, Faiza Haq , Sara Hayat , Mona Kanwal