Official publication of Rawalpindi Medical University
Diagnostic Accuracy Of Acromioaxillosuprasternal Notch Index For Prediction Of Difficult Airway Taking Cormack And Lehane Grading System As Gold Standard

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AASI, Cormack and Lehane, Difficult airway intubation.

How to Cite

Sajjad MM, Tariq A, Shabbir M, Yousaf S. Diagnostic Accuracy Of Acromioaxillosuprasternal Notch Index For Prediction Of Difficult Airway Taking Cormack And Lehane Grading System As Gold Standard. JRMC [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];27(3). Available from:



General anesthesia is still needed for several surgical interventions and requires endotracheal intubation. The difficult airway is a well-known entity, and a long list of predicting scores is present, yet a high degree of diagnostic accuracy still needs to be improved. Acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index (AASI) has shown some excellent results in recent times.


Its objective is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index for predicting difficult airways and to take the Cormack and Lehane grading system as the gold standard.


In this study, adults of both genders aged 20 to 70 years undergoing any surgery under general anesthesia having ASA class I to IV were included. AASI score of equal or less than 0.49 was taken as difficult airway while on Cormack and Lehane grade; it was labeled as yes where grade III or IV was seen.


The total number of cases were 350 cases, out of which 218 (62.29%) were males, and 132 (37.71%) were females. The mean age was 40.20±12.86 years, and the mean BMI was 24.71±3.13 (table 17). There were 294 (84%) cases in ASA Class I and II and 56 (14%) in class III and IV. Difficult intubation on AASI was seen in 54 (15.43%) and 57 (16.29%) cases on Cormack and Lehane grading. 

The diagnostic accuracy of AASI for prediction of difficult intubating a difficult was 96.29% with sensitivity of 90.74%, specificity of 97.30%, PPV of 85.96%, NPV of 98.29% with p= 0.001. This difference was also statistically significant with all the confounding variables like age, gender, ASA class, and BMI. 


The acromioaxillosuprasternal notch index is a

significant predictor for tubing a difficult airway and taking Cormack and Lehane's grading as the gold standard. This difference is considerably better regarding age, gender, BMI, and ASA class.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Mohsin Sajjad, Amina Tariq, Muhammad Shabbir, Sidra Yousaf