Official publication of Rawalpindi Medical University
Impact of E-Learning, Perception and Attitude among Students and Faculty following the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Coronavirus, Education, E-Learning, Pakistan, Teaching, Undergraduate medical education, Virtual learning experience.

How to Cite

Zia SH, Rizwan G, Ehsan A, Rizwan Z, Masood R, Umer N. Impact of E-Learning, Perception and Attitude among Students and Faculty following the COVID-19 Pandemic. JRMC [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];27(1). Available from:


Background and Aim: The Novel coronavirus disease has grasped the world as one of the most devastating pandemics of recent times. Many efforts such as social distancing was made to cut down the spread of the virus in its early days and restrictions were followed by numerous countries worldwide which resulted in serious hurdles in all sectors of our daily lives such as education, financial and social activities. This study was conducted to evaluate the implications of E-Learning and its future use by students and faculty members following the pandemic restrictions.

Material and Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey that was distributed online among students and faculty members belonging to medical and non-medical programs across universities in major cities of Pakistan.

Results: Of the total 476 responses, it was evident that the majority of the students were not satisfied with the learning experience that virtual classrooms provided. Concerning clinical and practical skills, a majority agreed that the online teaching method is not an effective way to develop essential skills.

Conclusion: Online education may be a necessary technological advancement needed in the field of education, but as concluded from the results of this study there is a disagreement about virtual classrooms being an effective medium of learning. It is also inconvenient to develop appropriate practical and clinical skills using E-learning as a medium.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Syed Hamza Zia, Ghina Rizwan, Zarnab Rizwan, Rabia Masood, Naila Umer, Afifa Ehsan