Background: To estimate plasma levels of natural anticoagulants, i.e., Protein C, Protein S and Antithrombin III in patients with solid malignancies
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted wherein plasma levels of Protein C,S and Antithrombin III (AT III) in patients with solid malignancies were determined. The studied parameters included age, gender ,type of the tumor, stage of the cancer and plasma levels of protein C, S and antithrombin.A total of 91 samples from patients with solid tumors were selected using consecutive non-probability sampling method..Protein C,S and antithrombin levels in the plasma were determined using fully automated coagulation analyzer CA-500 (Sysmex Japan).
Results: Total 91 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The age range was 30 to 70 years. Mean age was 47.87±13.56 years . Out of the 91 patients, 43 (47.23%) were females and 48 (52.73%) were males, with a male to female ratio of1.1:1. Frequent malignancies noted in males were head and neck (10.98%), GIT (9 %), lymphoma (8.79%). In females breast cancer was the most common cancer accounting for 14.28 % followed by GIT (9.89 %), Head and neck (7.69 %) . Majority of the patients (67%) were in stage IV .Out of 91 patients, 58,2% and 4.4% were found Protein S and C deficient, respectively. AT III levels were above normal in majority (53.8%).With regards to stage of tumor decreased levels of these natural anticoagulants in stage I, II, III and IV were 2.19%, 3.29%, 6.59% and 48.35% respectively . Higher incidence of thrombophilia was noted in patients with Ca breast (20%) followed by tumors of G.I.T and tumours of head and neck due to low levels of Protein S .
Conclusion: Increased frequency of thrombophilia is noted in patients with solid tumors (60%).Protein S deficiency is a major factor (92.7% of the total thrombophilic patients) leading to thrombophilic state in cancer population.